Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Question Authority. Especially If You're a Cop.

Brad Manning's recent conviction put me in a mind to remember other abuses of power like his. Like Pvt First Class Manning, the perpetrators of these abuses faced swift & decisive retribution.

Let's go back 3 years and a month.

Never personally had a problem with a cop in my life, even with plenty of opportunity. Not til the G20 came to town. From that day on, uniforms have made me nervous. I see cops, I still cross the street to avoid em. It isn't a decision. It's a gut reaction now.

I'm not even that much of a criminal either. I jaywalk & get pissed off about stupid shit the government does. And the media.

I don't steal; I recover. I don't assault; I defend. I don't utter threats; I make promises.

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If I ever see a burning police car out of context on the news again, metaphorical heads are gonna fly.

This is different from the usual problems people have with police. Usually it's a case of individual abuse of power - some bully with a badge, abusing easy targets. We saw that happening too (witness "Officer Bubbles," and his frivolous lawsuit against YouTube commentators). This time it was clear in most cases that the officers were just following orders.

"Just following orders" ain't good enough. If you have a sense of history, you know that. "Just following orders" drove another wedge between public institutions & the people they ostensibly serve or protect. And make no mistake, the damage is permanent.

Clearly the buck doesn't stop with the RCMP, and I'm so happy Vic Toews (the master of transparently partisan hyperbole) is no longer around to blather about "vicious & unsubstantiated smears" against people who - for whatever reason - clearly did the wrong thing that day.

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Doing what he did best.

The buck don't stop there, but the orders should have.

And every time one of these meetings goes down - no matter where in the world it is - peaceful protesters get beaten, sprayed, arrested, held under deplorable conditions & later released without charge. By the hundreds.

It's important to keep order. I say we bring back crucifixion. Get em all out in the fresh air, instead of those dank studio warehouses with Don-On-The-Job stalls.

See you in another present.