Was gonna ring in the New Year across town at the Swan & Firkin, but once again my condition is such that I'm too sick to go. Sucks. So I'm gonna do what any shut-in should do on New Year's Eve: reflect on the past year and get ready for the next.
I have half an hour left until 2012, so I'll make this quick.
The year in which ordinary people turned the world upside-down. And it's about goddamn time.
Arab Spring, OWS, Euro-Crisis, a full year of near-parity between Canadian and American currencies (with generous stretches in which the Looney outstripped the Greenback), some pretty decent movies, and the passing away of a couple petty dictators, along with somebody I consider one of the intellectual giants of our age. That's 2011.
Going back to what I said about movies: I just saw Rango
last night, and don't see what all the complaining was about. I thought
it was whimsical, creative, detailed, well-cast, and fucking hilarious. Why do people have to shit on awesomeness? Did you expect to learn something from a Verbinsky flick? Really? Just shut up and enjoy the funny already.
Dance music continued its triumphant return to respectability, with new stylings from DeadMaus and Skrillex (among others, but Izzy knows more about that*). Daft Punk should be proud... ish.
Politically the world has begun a remarkable headstand. With luck, we could be completely upside-down inside six months. It's gonna get worse before it gets better, but then it's gonna get better. Wheel keeps turning and all that shit.
Either that or the drugs my doctor gave me are actually starting to do something other than fuck up my digestion and scatter my thoughts in mid-sentence.
Speaking of which, it's been a deceptively eventful year for me too. Didn't get out as much as I'd hoped, but came to some stark and uplifting realizations about the nature of the universe. It happens.
For one thing, I finally let go of needing an afterlife to justify existence. That was a big one. Put my body back together, as much as can be expected under the circumstances. Awesome. Put in some good work at both the studio and the storyboard. Wicked.
I finally decided to be rid of my name. No sense carrying what slows you down.
And I managed to read most of Transmetropolitan. Need to find issues 10 & 11. Warren Ellis just might be a genius. Or a prophet... but I don't wanna think about that.
But seriously, if you have issues 10 & 11 of Transmet, gimme a shout. I don't wanna hafta steal off the web.
Be done recording that album I promised two years ago really soon. Two more songs to go, three if something happens at the last minute. It's the most cogent, unified thing I've ever done on my own. That ain't saying much, but I'm talking about a wide margin.
Started writing a book last week, almost by accident. Already jotting down points for one after that. Tell you more later.
Of course I'll still be punching away at the blorg too, so look forward to more of whatever this thing is.
Anyway, that's 2012.
Oh... And the world will collapse into chaos before next Christmas. It'll then get ripped apart by competing gravitational forces when the sun, planets and several other systems line up in a manner that only happens once every six hundred and sixty-six centuries.
That's only if North Korea doesn't go ape-shit on us all first. Neil Degrasse Tyson hasn't said anything about that one yet.
Or, you know... A comet will wipe us out, and the cockroaches will finally get their kick at the can. Whatever. I guess "We're doomed" is the point I'm trying to make.
So anyway, Happy New Year. Sincerely.
See you in another present.
*although she's clearly thinking about something else at the moment.