Friday, April 15, 2011

If You're Crazy and You Know It, Change Your Life.

"Am I crazy?"

This is the question every dreamer should ask. Don't just ask yourself either; one way or the other, you'll probably get the wrong answer. If you're as I am, you've got people around you to ask.

And don't underestimate the value of a good psychiatric professional in this area; contrary to popular belief, most of them know what they're talking about.

I wasted a lot of years thinking I was crazy. Trouble was I didn't know I was crazy until my mid-20s. After all, knowing is half the battle. And it's only the first of many battles.

Once you know you're crazy, you can set about getting sane.

Once you know you're crazy, you have a better idea of what kind of crazy you are. Once you know what kind of crazy you are, you can find out the necessary steps to eliminating that craziness from your life. And once you start, you're going to find you're a lot crazier than you thought.

I don't mean to say we're all nutters. We're not. Only about 98% of people are actually mentally unbalanced. The rest of us are rational, compassionate, purpose-driven and successful. But for that 98%, life is a process of aspiration and disappointment... or complacency and laziness... or success and disappointment.

That last one might need some explanation.

Ever accomplish a goal? It's a good feeling for a while. Ever accomplish a goal, only to realize it was illusive and empty? Much more common, no? And then you go "Wait... I got part of that wrong." So you go and attempt the same thing with minor adjustments. And then you are successful and disappointed again.

There's nothing wrong with your methods if they are successful. It's your premise (i.e. goal) that needs replacing.

This is what success looks like for many. Again, everything depends on what you want to accomplish.

A very wise man once told me "The root of all evil is illusion." Wasn't a Buddhist either. This was a Dominican friar, if it matters.

Another wise-ish man (Plato) said that you can't know something is wrong and choose it anyway; the human mind can only choose something if the mind first perceives it as somehow good.

Pretty much the same thing.

If you perceive something bad as something good, you'll pursue it until you get it... or until you give up in despair. If you still think it's good and you still pursue it, you will face the cycle of successful disappointment until you recognize that this thing just ain't right for you.

You could say that - in these circumstances - you are trapped in the "well-lit cell of a single idea." (Thank you GK Chesterton)

And this means you're crazy.

Conversely, you can relentlessly pursue something that IS good and right for you for years without positive results. In that case, it's your method that needs an overhaul. Obviously. This is a lesser form of crazy, and is more easily addressed...

It isn't a lot easier, but there's a simplicity in overhauling your entire focus in life that makes it much more difficult than just changing your approach to the same thing.

In other words, it's a lot easier to jump another Path to Heaven than it is to allow your entire notion of Heaven to be obliterated and replaced by Nirvana or Reincarnation or simple Oblivion. But it might be necessary for the sake of your sanity.

That make sense? It did to me, but I'm crazy.

Moving on...

Before I forget, it's also crazy to keep asking yourself if you're crazy. I mean, really. That's just an obvious crazy-loop.

So how do you know if you're crazy? One way is to keep and review a journal. If you go back and find you've written the same thing over and over ("All work and no play," for instance), you're probably certifiable.

Heeeeeere's Tautology!!

If you find success and feel empty, you have two choices: Either change up you goals, or keep running in circles. The first is the sane response, while the second is even crazier than not noticing in the first place. The truth will set you free, but not before it smashes your expectations into sub-atomic particles of terrifying mystery (see Heaven and Oblivion, above).

If you find that success has been elusive, there's still a possibility that your goals are crazy; but you won't know til you change your method. Til then, you're just kind of crazy.

Just try looking at the world from a different angle.

If you read this and laughed it off, my guess is you're part of the 2% who were never crazy... or you were crazy and you got better. In that case, leave your name and contact info in the comments section, and prepare for a barrage of questions.

Enough! I go now into my own loop of self-preservation and self-destruction... In other words, I'm off to get ready for work.


  1. What's the issue here? Give up on music or not give up on music?

  2. Neither, sir. But my approach has abruptly changed, and you shall see the truth of this.
